Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Personal Stance on Privacy

     My stance on privacy is pretty straightforward: privacy is essential. Now, that isn't very descriptive or specific so I'm going to try and elaborate on it for the remainder of this post.
     When I say that privacy is essential, I mean a number of things. The most important is that, no one ever, for any reason, wanted everyone, or even most other people, to know everything about them. Thus, privacy is essential. The degree of privacy changes from person to person. For me, I only want people to know what I tell them individually. Well, my life doesn't need to be quite that private, but in an almost perfect world, that's what people would know.
     The same goes online, I only want people, and machines, to see what I want them to see. Now as much as I would like to go into what others and I could do, and do, to keep people and machines from only seeing what you want them to, this is suppose to be my stance on privacy so check out lifehacker and read their many articles on privacy. (
     Although privacy is ever so important to me, like most other people, I don't want to pay extra for things (software, hardware, etc) that increase my security, and thus privacy. Now, theres another factor that plays into that. I'm a college student, but even if I was making more money than I was spending, I probably wouldn't be going around buying all the latest security gadgets and software. Security software and hardware can have a large impact on how private one's life is. There are numerous software programs that can , but aren't limited to, help ensure strong passwords, block cookies that can access information on websites one goes to, and keeps sites, such as Facebook, from giving away your information and invading your privacy. Hardware can include encrypted hard drives which only people who know the encryption key can access, or even security cameras. 
     In concern to other's privacy, I feel just as strongly about their privacy as I do my own. I will almost always be okay with not knowing something if that person doesn't want me to know. 
     As I stated earlier, privacy is essential. Now, you know my stance on privacy I hope you consider yours just as important.

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